University President



Dear Students,

As a Christ-Centered Online University, Our mission is clear and our approach is simple: We engage students in authentic spiritual and intellectual growth, equipping them to make a real difference in the world; we also exist to equip students to discover their divine design so that they may serve the world through Christ-empowered learning, leading and living.

Our University cultivates knowledge and love of God in a Christ-centered community of learners and scholars, with an enduring commitment to the integration of exemplary academics, spiritual formation, and engagement with the world.

With students from all around the world, we are a diverse community of faith committed to becoming who God created us to be. With such diversity, it is necessary for us to have set standards that align with our values and guide us toward a clear and unified way in which to live.

As cornerstones for why we exist, our desire is that while you are here you would be successful academically, socially and spiritually. In order to ensure this success, we have provided many resources as a benchmark and guide as members of this diverse community of Christians.

At Covenant International University and Seminary, we transform lives for Christian faith, scholarship, and service. Students get a better, deeper education at a first-rate Christian University like CIUS.

The University handbook provides clarity into our values, expectations and standards. It also serves as a helpful tool, as well as the various characters that are expected of you.

I pray that this be an unforgettable year for you marked with purpose, growth and celebration. Remember that your Online University experience will only be what you make it —so make it count for something great!

 Ambassador  Dr. (Mrs.) Delphina Chika Mitina-Samuel

PhD, PharmD, MDiv, MBA BSc., Rph. 

University President/Chancellor