Student Policies

Student Policies

Student Policies

The standard of conduct by which the University operates in regard to the matter of student behavior and responsibility is the Word of God. A student whose personal conduct is a poor testimony for Christ, and who fails to live in accordance with the scriptural ideals of the University, will be counseled and disciplined to the extent as the Dean of Students deems advisable. The University reserves the right to refuse admission, to put on disciplinary probation, or to dismiss any student whose personal conduct and/or attitude, in the judgment of the administration, are not consistent with the spirit and standards which the University seeks to maintain. The student attending Covenant International University and Seminary Inc. should recognize that the Word of God speaks not only to our doctrinal beliefs, but also to our lifestyle. Therefore, both on and off campus (online) students should be sensitive to the teachings of the Word of God so that their lives might be a testimony for the Lord Jesus Christ to other people and to the glory of God.

By way of example: academic dishonesty, such as giving unauthorized aid on an examination or plagiarism (the intentional or unintentional presentation of another’s work as your own), is not acceptable behavior and will not be tolerated. Both are subject to immediate dismissal.

Missed Work

The heading “Missed Work” includes, but is not limited to, quizzes, tests, exams, reports, research papers or any other class requirement by any other name/title on any specifically scheduled date.

Students are expected to take all quizzes, tests, and exams, and turn in any other work required on a specific date, if such date is assigned. If any of these items are missed, as a general rule, the missed work will be assigned 0 points when it is turned in. If the missed work is not turned in the student will receive a grade of “F” in the course.

The one exception to this general rule is an event beyond the student’s control. Examples of events beyond the student’s control include, but are not limited to, a medical emergency or sudden illness (supported by appropriate documentation, death of immediate family member, or business related travel. In this case, a grade letter “Inc” will be temporarily posted to the course.

Non-Discrimination Policy

Covenant International University and Seminary does not discriminate on the basis of race, colour, nationality, ethnic origin, or gender. We guarantee the rights and privileges and the availability of all programs and activities to all students of the University.

Additional Information

The transfer of credit from Covenant International University and Seminary to any other academic institution would be at the discretion of the receiving institution if they chose to accept credits from this University.


Official transcripts of credit will be issued by the University upon the written request of the student, provided the student’s account is paid in full.