

COVENANT INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY AND SIMINARY cultivates knowledge and love of God in a Christ-centered community of learners and scholars, with an enduring commitment to the integration of exemplary academics, spiritual formation, and engagement with the world. Our University is equipping students to discover their divine design so they may serve the world through Christ-Empowered learning, leading and living through Online Christian Education. Our mission is clear and our approach is simple: We engage students that are privilege and less privileged in authentic spiritual and intellectual growth, equipping them to make a real difference in the world. We also exist to equip students to discover their divine design so that they may serve the world through Christ-empowered learning, leading and living.

With students from all around the world, we are a diverse community of faith committed to becoming who God created us to be. With such diversity, it is necessary for us to have set standards that align with our values and guide us toward a clear and unified way in which to live.

As cornerstones for why we exist, our desire is that while you are here you would be successful academically, socially and spiritually. In order to ensure this success, we have provided many resources as a benchmark and guide as members of this diverse community of Christians.

Covenant University is also providing students with a sound theoretical base and those practical skills which will facilitate their ready acceptance into the world and to develop intellectual curiosity and desire for lifelong learning. We are also educating students on indigenous issues, regional and international integration, finance and infrastructure through Christian Education. OUR COVENANT VALUES include but not limited to:  Be Christ-centered, Live the “Jesus Way” – love God and others, Be Collaborative, Ask Questions, Listen, Celebrate Others, and Be Open to Change. If we don’t like change, we’re going to like irrelevance even less, Be a Performer, Do the thing you have to do better than you have to do it, and Be a Decision-Maker. It’s not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are. Be Student Focused, Seize every opportunity to inspire, invest in and serve a student, Be Courageous, Nothing will ever be attempted if all possible objections must be overcome.  COVENANT INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY AND SEMINARY is one that recognizes the need for behaviour that aligns with Scripture and is committed to maintaining a culture that honours Christ. Covenant International places a great deal of significance on the actions and relationships of its students and identify specific expectations that should be upheld as voluntary members of this community. It is the desire of this university that students develop a lifestyle that is marked by excellence in character, leadership, and faith, and extends beyond their university online career into the rest of their life.

Spiritual Objectives
Studies at Covenant should enable the student:

  1. To show profound gratitude for the sacrificial work of Christ on his/her behalf, which will motivate him/her to lead a life of sincere and comprehensive obedience to the Word of God.
  2. To exhibit Christian maturity and virtues identified in Scripture as the “Fruit of the Spirit”, so that he/she will be able to convey Christian truth both by precept and by personal example.
  3. To maintain a well-ordered devotional life and a personal program of spiritual enrichment and growth.
  4. To demonstrate a concern for outreach and missions by actively seeking opportunities for Christian service.
  5. To manifest a consistent Christian world and life view which shows submission to the present Lordship of Christ in every area of life.

                                                                       Welcome to Covenant International University and Seminary Canada Campus.