

College of International Chaplaincy

Introduction to Chaplaincy Course

Students who have successfully completed the Introduction to 
Chaplaincy course at the Covenant International University and Seminary Canada campus will receive a certificate (with an online class celebration of achievement). This certificate is applicable for local community evangelism.

Eligibility for completion:  

·       100%  seminar attendance

·       Minimum of 70% grade in the course

*Students who enrol in the International Chaplaincy core course after completing their certificate in the Introduction to Chaplaincy course will receive 12 credit hours in the International Chaplaincy program.

International Chaplaincy Program

Students who have successfully completed the International Chaplaincy core course at the Covenant International University and Seminary Canada campus will receive a certificate, an International Chaplain ID card and an International Chaplain personalized deluxe silver or gold plated metal badge with their name. This certificate is applicable for global (international) chaplaincy.

Eligibility for completion and graduation:

·       Minimum of 85% seminar attendance

·       Minimum of 70% grade in the overall course

*Students who have successfully completed the International Chaplaincy Program are required to attend graduation in person to receive their award/credentials. Our institution’s policy stipulates that the certificates, Chaplain ID cards and Chaplain badges for the core course – International Chaplaincy cannot be mailed, and must be received in person at graduation by the students.   

   CIUS Ontario Chaplaincy Program Grade Table

Grade Numerical Value (%)
A+ 90-100
A 80-89
B+ 76-79
B 70-75
C+ 66-69
C 60-65
D+ 56-59
D 50-55
F 0-49